【絕版品】20年以上 瓷茶5件套組 青花瓷樣式 捷克製造

文: 2021.10.28 瀏覽數:7438

【絕版品】20年以上 瓷茶5件套組 青花瓷樣式 捷克製造- 限量30組


Haas & Czjzek 製造 - 捷克波希米亞地區首家波希米亞工廠
材質:細瓷硬質瓷 (Fine Porcelain)。
產地 :  捷克

⚠️溫馨提醒:外包裝盒有泛黃,可接受者再下標, 商品出貨後無法退換貨。


一般優惠價 刷逢甲卡優惠價

【清倉價】20年以上 瓷茶5件套組 青花瓷樣式
捷克製造- 限量30組


【清倉價】20年以上 瓷茶5件套組 青花瓷樣式
捷克製造- 限量30組


Porcelain (硬質瓷) 介紹:
硬質瓷使用高含量的高嶺土,一般含量需佔瓷土的60%。如果使用的材料更高級,則稱為細瓷硬質瓷 (Fine Porcelain)。
Porcelain通常會經過二次燒成,即素燒與釉燒分開。如果是為了美觀與節省成本,通常會使用高溫素燒(1200-1300度) + 低溫釉燒 (900 – 1000度)。因為高溫素燒時,會把胚體支撐住,所以變形率低。但缺點是因為釉面溫度低,所以容易刮花。而另一工法相反,使用低溫素燒 +高溫釉燒。此一工法因為胚體在高溫釉燒時會變形無法支撐 (不然會破壞釉面),所以成形率低。但是優點在於釉面強化耐刮。
(以上介紹轉載自 https://pse.is/3rspkv )

The beginning of the Haas & Czjzek porcelain dates back to 1792 when the first porcelain factory in Bohemia was founded by Johann Georg Paulus. In 1812, the factory was entitled to manufacture porcelain and after circa 55 years (1867) Georg Haas and Johann Czjzek took over the company. Thus, the Haas & Czjzek brand saw the light of day. The company followed the traditions and techniques and rose to fame all around the world. The Slavkov porcelain (Haas & Czjzek) has always been very popular with a global clientele. Thanks to this the Haas & Czjzek was among the biggest porcelain makers in the last quarter of the 19th century and in Czechoslovakia it the interwar period. The Haas & Czjzek brand is so exclusive thanks to the long and successful tradition of porcelain manufacturing in Horní Slavkov in the Sokolov county. The fact that the production of Slavkov porcelain Haas & Czjzek continues without interruption until this day, i.e. almost 230 years, is also important. The company thus has traditions to follow. Thanks to being a world-renowned company and thanks to an almost 200-year-old brand recognized around the world, it will be very easy to create a new and successful business concept, which is innovative but also follows the original traditions. Important customers appreciate that there is only one Haas & Czjzek in the world. The high quality and beauty of the Haas & Czjzek porcelain are instrumental in this appreciation.
Slavkov porcelain (Haas & Czjzek) is proud to have made porcelain ware with a coat of arms for the British Queen Elizabeth II. It was ordered for the occasion of her silver jubilee in 1977. The Queen held the Slavkov porcelain in high esteem and didn’t hide it like many others. Among our customers was also Pope John Paul II, who, in 1995, proudly received a vase Louisa Sophia with motives of Saint John of Nepomuk. The First Lady of the Czech Republic has a liking for the Slavkov porcelain. In 1994, she personally chose a dinner service, which was used in the staterooms at the Prague Castle. These are only a few of many examples, which all clearly indicate the exclusiveness and renown of the Haas & Czjzek brand.
from. https://www.haas-czjzek.cz/haas-czjzek-history


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